letter to parents from lvba

16 Jul 2020 by Julie neesham

To Parent/Spectator,
The Latrobe Valley Baseball Association would like to thank you for and your child’s continued participation in baseball during these trying times. As we are still suffering through a global pandemic, there are restrictions that need to be implemented. We hope you can participate so we can keep ourselves at the lowest risk of virus transmission and contraction and to also keep ourselves in action for as long as possible.
Please take note of the following restrictions to help keep everyone safe:
• Facilities
Clubrooms will be limited to one person per 4sqm with a regular cleaning schedule.
Some clubs may not run a canteen this season so you may need to bring your own food and drink.
There will be signs around the grounds. Please ensure you follow any directions on the signage.
• Shared Equipment/ Social Distancing
Players cannot share any equipment. This includes helmets, bottles, bats and any other items.
Players will be required to be socially distant when out of play – this means no Hi-5s, Handshakes and all huddles will require players to be 1.5m apart. Social Distancing carries on to designated “Dugouts” and as such we recommend each player brings their own chair.
• Spectators
Spectators are limited to one person per player. Any other attendees must remain in their car or off of the premises.
All attendees must follow all social distancing requirements and remain 1.5m away from all others at all times. All spectators are not permitted to enter the field of play – this includes “dugout” areas.
• Hygiene/ Testing
All players and officials will be required to sanitise their hands before and after each game.
There will be no spitting, licking or any other excretion from the mouth. All players will be issued with one warning under this rule. A pitcher breaching this rule will be penalised with a balk.
If you or anyone from your family are showing symptoms or have been in contact with a positive result. DO NOT ATTEND and let your club president know IMMEDIATELY!

Please take note to changes to the gameplay rules in the 2020 junior season:
• Under 14 eligible players will pitch from 54’ in the Under 16 competition.
• Tball will not contain the ‘Catcher’ position for the 2020 season.

Thank you for your understanding during this crazy time.

Sam Gillett
LVBA Secretary

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